Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 12 - Neutral Milk Hotel

I love band names. Love them. I enjoy the imagery they convey. It doesn't hurt if the music is good as well. Sometimes they are like art pieces, long winded and hopelessly ironic. There's even a band called "The Band". How ballsy and great is that?! It's like naming a painting "The Painting". Amazing. This is a makeup day. Had to draw two pieces today.  I digress. Artwork heading your way.

"The Great Divide" is lookin' at you now. I went more my regular style today. It happens when I get tired. It's not that I mind drawing like this. Sometimes I like something different. I haven't drawn any birds mainly so far. I believe there was one a few days back, but not a regular. Maybe tomorrow. No B-Sides today. Too much to draw and I just wasn't grooving enough to add any more. Caught up though. Feel good. Long weekend. Feel GOOD about that. Going to need to ask for more songs/music. Running out and I don't want to surf YouTube for anything.

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