Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 2 - What do these thoughts mean?

I'll be putting the titles of the pieces in the Blog Title of each day :)  
I know these images are quite large if you click on them. I think I'll keep it that way to ensure I reach my maximum laziness potential! 

Day 1 - Drawing 1 - Man and Bird

Ok, so far so good. This was drawn during a Book Club discussion. Interpretations, comments and criticism are always welcome, just as long as you are prepared for me not to listen :)

Day 1 - The beginning...of....something?

So this is basically a place where I will go to put my daily drawings up.

Now a day to me is from the time I get up to the time I go to sleep, so even though it is 2 in the morning it is still for me the same "day" as when I got up this morning. It's my world and these are the rules I live by =-p.

So, for example, I may post "tommorow" but it is still August 31st. If I sleep in between, it is a new day. Deal people(self).

This message is to or for no one in particular, mostly to myself. Welcome me. Well hello there self, looking good! Thanks! We ready to get started? Might as well, these drawings wont post themselves you know. Ha ha haum.....