Saturday, October 5, 2013

So...what to do what to do?

I've stared and RE-started this blog I don't know how many times. My first attempt was the best...having a digital camera that works is apparently something you need to keep this going. Since I don't have one but have a loving spouse who does have a fancy-do-hangle smartphone, I might try this again soon. Motivation?


What I don't like about it is that it becomes almost a chore to draw. That doesn't appeal to me.


I would like to be able to complete this task set before me. It is a bit of a marathon and I know it needs pacing...but...365 days of drawing/doodling? Can I do it? I would like to think I could.

Third time is a charm? We shall see. I need to think this over a bit more before I jump in again. Make sure whatever process I have to upload the darn things is in place to make sure I don't get discouraged or behind. I think this is something I need to do....

~The Curious Misfit~