Ah, caught up again! Feels good. I don't want to get behind. It was strange switching music over like this but I felt that the change did me good. I shifted gears and spent some time on something different. I went more realistic this time. I like partials and doing some aspects of a person. Doing a whole form to me seems tedious. I think this way it's a tad more mysterious and strange. I think we all want to be that way but realize that we aren't all too different from other people.
I hate cliche titles to works. Someone might call this "Voice" or "Speak" or something and that would be all well and good, but it is what would be expected. On the opposite side of the same coin, I can't stand titles that make NO sense whatsoever, such as "The Belligerant Swan Follows the Dusty Path of Solitude into Frederick's Green Garden which exists only in his mind because Frederick is bug and DEAD." The title ALONE should be worth 20,000 BS points.
I'll call this one "Untitled"
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